Rock Point is a wholesale distributor of shellfish and manages five farms on Tarboo Bay, Dabob Bay, Quilcene Bay and Hood Canal, Washington. All the farms are remote from major population centers and take advantage of the cold, clear water in this part of the state. We raise a variety of shellfish, including Pacific and Kumamoto oysters, Manila clams, and Savory clams, both naturally regenerating and planted. Many of these shellfish begin their lives in our nursery and are then planted out on one of our tidelands.
Rock Point Oyster Company
Our oysters are raised on each of our tidelands and may either be naturally occurring single or cluster oysters or planted singles raised on-ground or in bags, trays, or longlines off-ground.
Manila clams are raised predominantly on our Tarboo Bay farm and are naturally occurring or planted. They are grown in the sand or gravel substrate with strong, clean water currents flowing across them.
Our Savory clam, also known as the varnish clam, purple varnish clam, or mahogany clam – is a nonnative species, originally from Asia. These are harvested on our Tarboo Bay farm and our Hood Canal farm and are all naturally occurring.